Personal diary service for film and video technicians.
How does Connections Work?
For technicians, we operate in one of two ways:
- Connections Diary Service – We take your bookings, your availability and any messages.
For this service, we charge a monthly fee (+VAT), there is no guarantee of work.
The fee is for the answering service and to maintain your work diary.
If we find you work, you will invoice the client directly and there are no further charges payable to ourselves.
There is a minimum joining period of three months. Your name and list of skills will be published on our web site.
We also offer a remote login to directly view and update your diary; this facility is included in your monthly fee.
- Connections Agency – If we cannot fulfil a job request from our Diary Service clients,
we will then offer it to staff registered with the Agency.
If we find you work, you will invoice the client directly; we in turn, invoice you for our commission of 10% (+VAT) for that shift and any subsequent shifts from that contact.
Your name and list of skills will also appear on our web site.
For a small monthly charge, we offer a remote login to directly view and update your availability.
If you wish to join Connections, we must meet you, so you should phone us on (0208) 420 1444 to arrange an appointment.
You will need to bring: an up to date
CV (resumé) and
your passport.

Return to Connections Homepage.
Partners: Barbara Roberts, Martin Roberts. Agency Licence No: SE 20895.
Last update of this page: 6th May 2010.
Page served by: ww1.connectionsuk.com.